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Author: Jordan Taylor

Notice Regarding Canada Post Strike

Due to the ongoing Canada Post strike, we will be emailing as many statements and invoices as possible to ensure timely communication.

If we don’t currently have your email address on file, we kindly ask you to contact one of our locations so we can update your customer information.

Our team is happy to assist you with any account-related requests—please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

2024 TCO Spring Grower Information Day & Outlook Meeting

Join us for TCO Agromart’ s 2024 Spring Grower Information Days!

The sun is starting to shine a little more as the days get longer which means spring will be here before we know it! This also means that our annual spring grower meetings are quickly approaching.

TCO Agromart is excited to be hosting a 2024 Outlook meeting on February 28th (Colborne) as well as a Spring Grower Information Day on March 8th (Napanee).  Join us for a great lineup of industry professionals, lunch, and more! See below for more details. Growers are welcome to attend either (or both) events. Please RSVP to the contacts mentioned below.

We hope to see you there!

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Grower Pesticide Safety Courses 2024

Sign Up Now  for  Upcoming  Grower  Pesticide Safety  Courses  Hosted  by  TCO  Agromart  Napanee

Location: Strathcona Paper Centre

Date: Tuesday February 13th 2024 (Refresh & Re-write) & Tuesday March 19th 2024 (Full Day)

Time: February 13th course – 9am-12 noon & 1-4pm. March 19th course – 8:45am with 11:30am test

Course Fee: $135

If you are interested we encourage you to sign up early and pay on or call 1-800-652-8573 with a credit card. Web sign-ups open 3 months before the course date and will close one week before the course date. Participants are to bring their new manual (available at TCO Selby free of charge), a calculator and a pen or pencil to the course.

The instructor will contact you ahead of the course date to confirm details of the day.


TCO Fall Crop Day 2023!

We are excited to invite you to our Fall Crop Day! We have some great speakers lined up for you as well as lunch on us!

If plan on attending, please RSVP to TCO Selby (Logan or Jordan) at 613-354-4424 by August 25th.

TCO Enogen Information Night!

Thinking about growing Enogen Corn next spring?

Join us for a BBQ dinner and information session with Enogen Brand Manager Tod Axell on Thursday, August 10th at Chadwick Farms in Napanee!

Breakfast on the Farm comes to Napanee!

Ripplebrook Farm is home to 280 animals and a lot of heart. Their herd of 130 milking cows is milked three times daily in a modern free-stall dairy barn. The farm is also home to seven show-winning quarter horses. Crops on the farm are grown on over 900 acres of land and include alfalfa, barley, wheat, corn and soybeans.

The MacLean family is looking forward to opening their farm gates to provide an opportunity for you to chat with farmers and take a tour of their farm.

Tickets are a $5 deposit per person, returned after attendance. Each ticket includes one (1) breakfast sandwich, milk and fruit. Dairy-free, gluten-free and vegetarian options are available.

Breakfast on the Farm is looking for Volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering for Breakfast on the Farm, please contact

For more information and to buy tickets, please go to

Cookies For Cancer Fundraiser

Our team at TCO Agromart is having a fundraiser selling chocolate chip cookies for cancer. Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way and currently one of our staff members, Sarah Wilson, from Brighton is undergoing treatment. We want to support Sarah and others in their fight and you can help us by ordering cookies. All money raised will go to the Cancer Clinic at Belleville General Hospital.

Here’s how it works:

  • Order by Wednesday, March 29th for pickup on Friday, March 31st at the location of your choice.
  • Orders can be placed by sending a message or emailing Please indicate which location you want to pick the cookies up at.

The price is $10/dozen. Cash on pickup is preferred or e-transfer to

We are also accepting general donations towards this great cause!

#Cancerfundraiser #CookiesforCancer

TCO Agromart Finalist Wins 2022-2023 Sollio Next Generation Award

TCO Agromart is so proud to have had two customers represented as finalists in the 2022-2023 Sollio Next Generation Award in the Farm Succession Category! The Sollio Next Generation Award is a showcase for families and entrepreneurs that have successfully handed over a farm or started an agricultural or agri-food enterprise while ensuring the sustainability of the enterprise and equity for all involved. This year was the first year for the contest in Ontario and we are proud to have had two finalists from TCO Agromart- Chadwick Farms (right image), and Hakkesteegt’s Poultry Farm (left image). Both families have successfully made the transition from one generation to the next. The winner of the award was announced on February 23rd in Quebec City during Sollio Cooperative Group’s annual general meeting and Gala event where Hakkesteegt’s Poultry Farm were declared the winner.

We would like to congratulate both finalists from TCO Agromart for the time and effort they put into the contest. Full Story: 

Contest Details                                                                                                                                                       

Conditions for entering the Sollio Next Generation Contest:

  • Be a member of an Agromart Retailer
  • Be recommended by an Agromart Retailer
  • Be less than 40 years old in the year of participation
  • Farm Succession Category: Own a minimum of 5% of the shares of the farm, for a maximum for 10 years before participating in the contest.
  • New Farm Enterprise Category: Be established for less than 10 years.

Register now for the 2023-2024 Sollio Next Generation Award by May 1st, 2023!

Register on Sollio’s Website:

2023 TCO Grower Information Days March 6th & 7th

Join us for 2023 Grower Information Days! 

TCO Agromart is excited to be hosting two Spring Grower Information Days in early March!  Join us for some informative presentations, lunch and more! The March 6th event will be held at Hero’s Landing in Trenton from 9:00am-4:00pm & the March 7th event will be held at the Napanee Strathcona Paper Centre from 9:30-3:00pm. See below for more details. Growers are welcome to attend either (or both!) events! We hope to see you there!

Please RSVP for the Napanee Event by February 28th to 613-354-4424 and the Trenton Event to 613-394-3371 by February 27th.


TCO Agromart 2023 Grower Information Day