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Beat the heat this summer with Cool-Aid!

March 5, 2022
Beat the heat this summer with Cool-Aid!

At 25 °C and 20% humidity cows begin to exhibit signs of heat stress. The unpredictable summer weather that we see in Ontario puts your herd at risk. 

What is Cool Aid?

Cool-Aid is an osmolite, a compound often found in plants and marine species that reduces core body temperature under the heat stress by: 

  • Allowing cells to maintain hydration levels during heat stress 
  • Reducing heat produced by the body during periods of heat stress

This will minimize the physiological changes associated with heat stress and help to drive DMI, milk yield, components, and productive performance. 

Herds feeding Cool-Aid produce from 1-2kg more milk during hot summer months and have shown the ability to recover more quickly from a heat wave. In addition, cows fed Cool-Aid achieve increased conception rates, increased lying frequency and lower respiration rates.

With the recent 2% quota increase in addition to the SNF policy adjustment coming August 1st, this summer will be more important than ever to cool your cows to maintain production and component efficiency! 

Cool-Aid for Transition Cows 

Dry and transition cows are significantly impacted by heat stress. Cooled dry cows have been found to:

  • Produce 6.7kg/d more milk
  • Consume 1/7kg/d more dry matter
  • Lie down for 1.5 more hours per day
  • Have calves that weigh 5.9kg more at birth and go on to produce 5kg more milk during their first lactation.

Ask about adding it to your Purina product or its availability in a premix today! 

Summer Promotion – 10% OFF April 1, 2022 – June 30th, 2022.


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